Audience members were treated as honored guests and escorted upstairs to the mezzanine to witness a bucolic family Halloween evening with plastic bag ghosts on the clothesline, parents inexpertly costumed, and twin kids just dying to ditch the evening and go off on their own. The audience was addressed as fellow trick-or-treaters, and followed Eve & Evan across the balcony as they marauded and smashed pumpkins, unknowingly passing across the “grey veil that is paper-thin this night.” Streetlights became twisted and bizarre and an eerie house corralled them into ringing its doorbell. The Lady of the House entered amidst a wild inappropriate “Welcome Song” performed by a hideous collection of decorations made from children’s masks, clothing, sticks, bones, toys & body parts. A high stakes, cat-and-mouse game ensued with the Witch luring them into an evening of “Halloween Fun” employing seduction, guilt, and fear while acting as a Master Puppeteer: performing and controlling the action as she reenacts a ritual ages old. However, she hadn’t anticipated Eve, a child of hidden strength and character who is able to rise to the challenge, rescue her brother and end the centuries of enslavement of children’s trapped souls.